Last Friday, a cohort of CORE Lab researchers went to the climate strike demonstrations in downtown Boston. Thousands of students, educators, and others attended the rally at City Hall Plaza and then marched to the Massachusetts State House, where demonstrations continued. The events were youth-led and focused on demanding action to combat the climate crisis. The proposed actions include the restoration of biodiversity, respect of indigenous land, passage of a Green New Deal, and environmental justice. Many people carried signs urging support of the Green New Deal and the declaration of a climate emergency in Massachusetts.
Several members of the CORE Lab cohort. From left to right: Finn Payne, Lujane Barakat, Cat Cullina, Melissa Morgan, Eva Chamard, Lucretia Henriquez, Denisa Ramseier, and Julia Tracy.
Members of the CORE Lab with signs at the rally at City Hall Plaza. From left to right: Julia Tracy, Lujane Barakat, Lucretia Henriquez, Cat Cullina, and Eva Chamard.
Denisa Ramseier with a sign she made at the rally at City Hall Plaza
A view of the Massachusetts State House with marchers.