Apr 23, 2020 | Alumni, Articles about the lab, Collaborators, Jess Leffers, John Coley, Michal Fux, Yian Xu
From all across the country, and the world, members of the CORE Lab and their collaborators from different institutions have gathered weekly via zoom; during these meetings, CORE Lab members and their collaborators have been having in depth and thoughtful discussions...
Apr 16, 2020 | Articles about the lab, Conferences, Emily Dahlgaard Thor, essentialism, Jess Leffers, John Coley, Michal Fux, Presentations, Uncategorized
On Thursday April 9, 2020, Northeastern held its annual Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo (RISE). This year, it was held virtually on Microsoft Teams, and all RAs at the CORE Lab did a wonderful job presenting and answering questions about their research. The...
Mar 26, 2020 | Articles about the lab, Jess Leffers, John Coley, Michal Fux, Presentations, Psychology Department, Publications, Uncategorized
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Northeastern University recently closed its campus and ordered all learning to be remote and online. As a result, CORE Lab members are unable to meet and conduct research in person. However, that is not stopping lab members from being...
Mar 17, 2020 | Alumni, Articles about the lab, Emily Dahlgaard Thor, Uncategorized
Recently, members of the CORE Lab said goodbye to Emily E.D. Thor, a 3rd year graduate student in the CORE Lab. Emily will be working at Chadwick Martin Bailey, a market research company, and will be doing market research project management. While at Chadwick Martin...
Feb 26, 2020 | Articles about the lab, John Coley, Uncategorized
This past weekend, members of the CORE Lab went to Boda Borg in Malden, MA. At Boda Borg, teams face a variety of mental and physical challenges and need to complete them in order to succeed. The CORE Lab split into three teams of three people and set out to quest in...