Jul 25, 2023 | Articles about the lab, CLEAR team, Collaborators, Ecology, Joan Kim, John Coley, Publications, Uncategorized
Following publication of their recent article on human exceptionalism in the human-nature relationship, Dr. Coley and Joan Kim were featured in Northeastern Global News, along with our collaborator Brian Helmuth. Read more at the links below! Northeastern Global News...
Jul 25, 2023 | Anthropomorphism, Articles about the lab, Awards, Catie Nielson, Education, Intuitive Biology, Presentations, Psychology Department, Science Education, Uncategorized
This past Friday, CORE Lab member Catie Nielson became Dr. Catie Nielson after defending her dissertation! Catie presented her talk titled, “Is This About Me? Understanding Anthropocentrism in Undergraduate Biology Learning,” to a large crowd consisting of...
May 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
In early May, seniors from the CORE Lab celebrated their graduation from Northeastern! While we are sad to see them go, we are excited to see what they will do next. Congratulations to Alessandra Schianchi, Tessa Rigby, Jasmine Ho, Ezgi Uygan, Sahiti Tholeti, Ruby...
May 9, 2023 | Articles about the lab, Collaborators, Education, John Coley, Presentations, Uncategorized
This past April, our very own Dr. John Coley and our collaborator Dr. Brian Helmuth from Northeastern’s Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences gave a flash talk at a Northeastern event intended to spark collaboration between Northeastern members and...
Apr 27, 2023 | Anthropomorphism, Articles about the lab, Catie Nielson, Conferences, Education, Joan Kim, John Coley, Presentations, Psychology Department, Undergraduates
The CORE Lab had a great showing at Northeastern’s 2023 Research and Creative Endeavor, Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Expo (RISE). This was a great opportunity for our undergraduates to design posters and talk about what they have been working on...