Sep 18, 2018 | Anthropomorphism, Intuitive Biology
Fourth year graduate student, Nicole Betz, has been collecting data for an exciting study regarding anthropocentrism in Omnivores and Vegetarians. Anthropocentrism is the tendency to reason about animals by analogy to humans, or assigning human characteristics and...
Sep 5, 2018 | Anthropomorphism, essentialism, Uncategorized
Last week, the CORE lab grad students, postdoctoral researcher, lab coordinator, and Dr. Coley, had two entire days devoted to a research summit. The purpose of the summit was to continue discussions surrounding theoretical and operational definitions for important...
Jun 11, 2018 | Anthropomorphism, Awards, Ecology, Emily Dahlgaard Thor, Intuitive Biology, Nicole Betz, Psychology Department, Science Education
Congratulations to fourth year PhD candidate Nicole Betz and first year PhD candidate Emily Dahlgaard Thor for each receiving graduate research grants! Nicole Betz was awarded a Graduate Dissertation Research Grant jointly by the Office of the Provost, the Graduate...