Jul 25, 2023 | Anthropomorphism, Articles about the lab, Awards, Catie Nielson, Education, Intuitive Biology, Presentations, Psychology Department, Science Education, Uncategorized
This past Friday, CORE Lab member Catie Nielson became Dr. Catie Nielson after defending her dissertation! Catie presented her talk titled, “Is This About Me? Understanding Anthropocentrism in Undergraduate Biology Learning,” to a large crowd consisting of...
May 9, 2023 | Articles about the lab, Collaborators, Education, John Coley, Presentations, Uncategorized
This past April, our very own Dr. John Coley and our collaborator Dr. Brian Helmuth from Northeastern’s Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences gave a flash talk at a Northeastern event intended to spark collaboration between Northeastern members and...
Apr 27, 2023 | Anthropomorphism, Articles about the lab, Catie Nielson, Conferences, Education, Joan Kim, John Coley, Presentations, Psychology Department, Undergraduates
The CORE Lab had a great showing at Northeastern’s 2023 Research and Creative Endeavor, Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Expo (RISE). This was a great opportunity for our undergraduates to design posters and talk about what they have been working on...
Mar 14, 2023 | Articles about the lab, CLEAR team, Collaborators, Conferences, John Coley, Presentations
In early March, CORE Lab’s Joan Kim (2nd year doctoral student) and Ezgi Uygan (4th year undergraduate and former co-op Research Coordinator) presented their work at the 2023 conference of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) held at the Westin Copley...
Dec 13, 2022 | Presentations, Uncategorized
Last Thursday, the CORE Lab had its end-of-semester poster session where our research assistants got the chance to present on the work they have been doing all semester! Each of the graduate students’ teams created research posters and conveyed their findings to the...
May 5, 2020 | Alumni, Anthropomorphism, Articles about the lab, Presentations, Psychology Department, Publications
Grace Huang, an undergraduate Research Assistant in the CORE Lab, recently presented the research she conducted as part of her honors thesis to members of the CORE Lab and other faculty. Grace’s research explored the relationship between anthropic, or...