CORE Lab Members Reconnect!

CORE Lab Members Reconnect!

A few weeks ago, senior members of the CORE Lab decided to gather for an in-person meeting over lunch! Aside from discussing usual CORE Lab business, we talked about crime podcasts, matchmaking, and Dr. Coley’s exciting trip. This was a great start to the...
New CORE Lab Publication: How essentialist beliefs about national groups differ by cultural origin and study abroad experience among Chinese and American college students in Asian Journal of Social Psychology

New CORE Lab Publication: How essentialist beliefs about national groups differ by cultural origin and study abroad experience among Chinese and American college students in Asian Journal of Social Psychology

Recently, Yian Xu, PhD, a former doctorate student in the CORE Lab and current postdoctoral researcher at New York University, Xuan Li, from NYU Shanghai, and Dr. John D Coley, the principal investigator of the CORE Lab, published a study in the Asian Journal of...

CORE Lab Zoom Halloween!

Since the pandemic, the act of hosting fun social events has changed but this hasn’t stopped CORE Lab from celebrating the joy of holidays! In our lab meeting during Hallo-week, we encouraged our members to dress up in costumes and set up halloween-festive...